James A. Garfield Research Paper

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James A. Garfield The 20th president was James A. Garfield. In 1862 James joins the army and led Brigade at middle Creek; against Confederate troops (Freidel). At the age of 31 Garfield worked so hard that he became the brigadier general about two years later he became major general of volunteers. In 1862 James made another big step he got elected for congress (freidel). As James was working with the congress he was very close friends with Abraham Lincoln and as they had long conversations Lincoln persuaded him to resign his commission (Freidel). As he repeatedly went for election he won constantly and he was in office for 18 years, later he became the leading republican in the house (Freidel). Around 1880 at a republican convention, he failed to win the presidential nomination for his friend john Sherman. On the 36th ballet Garfield became a Dark Horse. …show more content…

Garfield spent a lot off for an appointment, The Collectorship of the port of New York. Garfield was able to put some time in to financial expertise (Miller Center). Garfield removes E.A. Meritt out of the New York Customhouse because messages was sent to him that he didn’t believe that he was going to make any changes as president(Miller Center). When Garfield became President he want wanted to help African Americans get there education. By the time he was elected Garfield said in his inaugural speech he said,” The election of the Negro race from slavery to the full rights of citizenship is the most important political change we race known since the adoption of the Constitution of 1787, no thoughtful man can fail to appreciate is beneficent effect upon our institutions and people…. It has liberated the master as well as the slave from a relation which wronged and enfeebled

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