Andrew Jackson Dbq

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Andrew Jackson held commander and major general of the Tennessee militia during the War of 1812. He won the popular vote in 1824, but it was then handed over to the House of Representatives where he lost to John Quincy Adams. He was then elected into presidency in 1828. Andrew Jackson was known to be a president of little accomplishments. Jackson’s election was known as the election that turned into the revolution of 1828. He was the first American president who was not grounded in the Eastern Aristocracy. Jackson also passed a tariff against South Carolina that led the south to feel that the north was favored. The president had many tempts of assassination during his time in office. Jackson, the newly elected president of 1828 was also reelected …show more content…

He was a salve-owner himself who bought and sold men in bulk. One of Jackson’s salves escaped and the reward was $50 and $10 extra for anyone who would give him 100 lashes. Many called this a “freelance death sentence” (Dougherty). Jackson’s wealth was acquired from the land that the Indians had been promised through a treaty. An article in The Week by Dougherty states how his sense of honor was more about protecting a good reputation rather than instilling fearsome one through terrible violence. Jackson supported the mistreating of slaves. Although he was a popular vote because of his reputation of a poor American when he was growing …show more content…

This act was known as the Spoils System. The Spoil Systems main goal was to appoint jobs to members of the party that was in power. Jackson believed that the officials may take their jobs for granted, he thought they may corrupt the office and so he wanted to change the system to prevent corruption. He believed that this was a good idea for the democracy. Some disadvantages of the Spoils System were that many experienced workers were fired. An advantaged was that the democratic party became more powerful. The entire system was designed to give supporters of Jackson the opportunity for