James Bond Gender Theory

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How does the gender theory enable the critical understanding of on-screen femininity) Discuss in relation to specific films

In this essay, I am going to talk about the idea of the male gaze theory. The male gaze theory is about how women are viewed from the men’s point of view to entertain men and their desires in the Hollywood cinema. I am mostly focusing on the James Bond films and how the female characters are represented in those films. Females are often just attractive images for the heterosexual male audience. The heterosexual men used to be the target audience and therefore the audience experience the films from a male perspective. Throughout the James Bond films the female characters have maintained their role to be Bond’s love …show more content…

The Feminist movement focused on eliminating gender inequality and tried to make a change toward more equal salary between women and men, also tried make an improvement on women’s rights. (Lisa Funnel) In 1970’s feminist film critics argued that women were represented unrealistic ways in Hollywood films. (Taylor Lisa)The films did not show the realistic way of women in the society. Women were often put under the media’s microscope and a great example of this is a James Bond franchise. The gender roles were really noticeable, for example, how women were presented in the film posters. In the film poster ‘The Spy Who Loved Me’, the main characters Bond and Anasova posed in formal clothing. The Bond girl’s evening gown showed her legs in a very revealing and sexualised way. This image showed the expectations of the traditional gender roles in the films. (Lisa …show more content…

The objective point of view shows to the spectator what the filmmaker want them to see. Usually the shots are objective shots, because the subjective ones show us what the character is seeing. According to Mulvey, this kind of Hollywood film editing has a lot of power what comes to gender dynamics. Females are many times situated in a position where they are being looked at. One of the reasons is that often the main target for many Hollywood films are the heterosexual male audience. (America on