
James Fenimore Cooper's The Last Of The Mohicans

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The Last of The Mohicans is based on a fictional story but contains events such as battles that are real. The book is upon French and Indian War, which James Fenimore Cooper opens up with in the beginning of chapter 1. In detail he explains the surroundings in the French and Indian war, he explains the horrifying blood bath as it says in chapter 1 “It became, emphatically, the bloody arena, in which most of the battles for the mastery of the colonies were contested.” (Cooper 3). After James Fenimore Cooper is done explaining the battlefield in depth, he introduces main characters, Cora Munro, Alice Munro, Magua, Colonel Munro, Major Duncan Heyward and David Gamut at the end of chapter 1 and the beginning of chapter 2. It is then Magua, the Indian runner had to deliver a message to the …show more content…

Heyward is commanded to take Cora and Alice to Fort William Henry to be reunited with their father Colonel Munro. While they are on their way to Fort Henry they come across David Gamut a psalmodist, he finds out that they headed to Fort Henry and joins along the trip. While they continue their trip someone appears to watching them which turns out to be Uncas. Cooper introduces Chingachgook the father of the mohican Uncas and Hawkeye the white gunman raised by Chingachgook, in the scene they are talking about their Ancestors and talking about the beliefs of the mohicans while contrasting them with the beliefs of the white men. After Uncas comes back to inform them that he believes Hurons are coming near them. Hawkeye intercepts them and talks to Heyward, Heyward says they are lost but seeing that Magua is guiding them he becomes doubtful because how could a Indian like Magua get lost if the forest is basically his home. Hawkeye eventually finds out that Magua is a Huron and tries to shoot him, the gunman gets a shot at Magua but gets

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