
James Fenimore Cooper's The Last Of The Mohicans

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The Last of the Mohicans is James Fenimore Cooper’s best novel, having to grow up in a big household, dealing with his siblings deaths, and fathers; experiencing the pain at young age can spark his driving force to success.
Introducing the characters, Hawkeye’s a hunter or scout for his team having a rifle named “ The Long Rifle “, he moves better in the forest instead of around society; connects more with Indians and whites like his friends Uncas and Chingachgook, but never claims to have any type of Indian in him. Hawkeye is more of a cultural mixture, being with both Indians and whites together. Next, Chingachgook is one of the last members of the Mohican tribes, but is also intelligent. Chingachgook is Uncas father, which happens to be the youngest last members of the Mohican tribe; Uncas begins to catch feelings for a girl “ Cora Munro “, but Cora leader happens to be Magua who is the books villian. Magua has lead them into the wrong direction for the last of the Mohican tribe to be killed. …show more content…

I also believe that Hawkeye can be Cooper in “ The Last of the Mohicans “, Hawkeye is the one trying to save his friends Chingachgook and Uncas from Maguna. While James was growing up he went to Yale University at the age of 13, to me it looks like Cooper been having a spark to do well, maybe even for his brothers and sisters. But then Cooper started to have behavior issues, having explode in the restroom and even bringing a donkey into class, having the donkey sit in the teachers chair. Who knew why he began to act up? But again also losing family or somebody close to changes you, he was doing great for the young age in the University, but could have still been on on his mind thinking of loved ones. So, in my opinion this is what I feel the reasons of Coopers theme and his character choices are, to make himself feel a better

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