James Gregory

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Learning can happen anywhere in the world, especially with the new program to learn called MOOCs. Massive Open Online Courses are free courses that offer college-grade level work. Even though they are credit-less, you still learn about the knowledge packed inside the course you decide to take. Since they are free, anyone that has an internet connection can take MOOCs. I have analyzed applications from three college applicants; Christina Mendoza, James Gregory, and Hugh Gallagher; to decide who is the best candidate to take a MOOC, according to what Laura Pappano describes in her article,”The Year of The MOOC.” After studying each essay from the three applicants, I have chosen one of them who I think would be the best candidate to take a MOOC. I believe James Gregory has the best qualities of the three college applicants to take a MOOC because his traits; independent, selfless, and shy are very suitable for people taking MOOCs. …show more content…

He states,”I am content in leading without recognition”(Page 14), meaning he’s satisfied when he leads without anyone really complimenting or noticing him. So if he takes a MOOC, nobody will notice him or his independence skills, thus making him satisfied. Also, MOOCs have a massive amount of people taking them, and the teacher can’t help people individually. In “The Year of The MOOC”, Dr.Schroeder says,“What’s frustrating in a MOOC is the instructor is not available because there are tens of thousands or others in the class.”(Page 27). Gregory’s independent skills will substantially aid him here, as he doesn’t need the help of the