James R Mead Narrative Report

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Narrative: James. R. Mead
I came to Kansas wanting land and a new business. My name is James R. Mead. I created several trading posts in Kansas, and one became Wichita. I was born on May 3, 1836 in New Haven, Vermont. My father, who came from England, owned a farm. He had me do most of the work. I would go hunting and sometimes not return for the next two days. I would explore the forest and the river and come back with a load of game.
I decided to get into the trading business because of hunting. When I was 23 I moved from my parents’ farm and moved to the Smoky Hills in the summer of 1859. I created different trading posts in Salina, Towanda, and several in Wichita. I moved from Towanda to Wichita because my neighbors and I organized another