
Jane Eyre Perseverance

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I can relate to Jane Eyre from the classic novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte because we both share the quality of perseverance. Although, my struggle wasn’t as challenging as hers; she was living as a vagabond during her tribulation. But it still had a big impact on my life for the better, just as Jane`s had. She and I would've never pulled through our conflicts if it wasn’t for our perseverance. Jane’s determination came through when she decided to leave her fiance, Mr. Rochester, and live a life of solitude. Unfortunately, she had no money or family to fall back on in her time of need. Jane had to live homeless for a couple of days, but this setback didn’t seem to completely faze her, for she has a good head on her shoulders. She …show more content…

When i was in the first and second grade, I was doing well in school, regarding my grades of course. I was doing what was expected of me; I understood the curriculum and retained the knowledge fairly easily. If I had any problems comprehending something it would be a simple fix. But most of this started to change in the third grade. Since I had moved to another school district, I wasn’t too familiar with the curriculum. But that was no excuse for why I wasn’t able to retain information as easily as I could in second and first grade. I was almost always the last to turn in my work. I felt like I was always put on the spot for something the whole class was responsible for. And it seemed like all my efforts to try and do my best were futile. As a sensitive eight-year-old, I was so embarrassed to be “the reason why the class can’t do this” or “why we can’t do that”. I decided that I would always give everything I’ve got in everything I did, no matter the challenge. So I gave my all and then some to actually understand the lessons and get good grades. Perseverance and embarrassment from failure were my motivators. I became more attentive and participated in more class discussions. Every time I was called out on a mistake I would keep doing it until I got it right. At the end of the year all my hard work had finally paid off. I managed to pass the third

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