Janet Bakke's Transcending: Chapter Analysis

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Victimization can occur directly and indirectly to an individual. The book, Transcending is full of stories of people who have been directly and indirectly victimized. Janet Bakke’s story is an example of direct victimization. Janet was the target of abuse. As a child her biological father mentally and physically abused Janet. Her stepfather sexual abused her until she left home at the age of 19. Her husband also abused her physically and sexually. Barbara Ayres’ story of her daughters is an example of indirect victimization. Barbra herself was not the victim of the crime but she has to deal with the aftermath of the incident. Her daughters were murdered. Barbara and her family deal with similar symptoms as those who were directly victimized. Barbra has to deal with the stress of loosing her daughters and the process of the cases.
When a crime first happens it can be very traumatic to the victim. The victim could be in shock or confused to what happen to them. Once a person has been victimized they must begin to put their life back together. Their life has been drastically …show more content…

The violence can be physical, emotional, or sexual. The National Crime Victimization Survey, surveyed U.S. households in which individuals are asked about their victimization experiences during the previous 6 months. Individuals who report experiencing a victimization event complete an incident report for each event. Within this detailed incident report, individuals are asked to identify their relationship with the perpetrator. Violent incidents perpetrated by spouse or ex-spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend and former boyfriend/girlfriend are considered in the survey. The National Crime Victimization Survey (2008), the rate of intimate partner violence declined from 1993 to 2008. Intimate partner violence affected about 1 in 320 households in 2005 (Klaus,