Jason Reynolds Quotes

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In the book, The Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds Will The main character goes through a lot because he is constantly worried about following the three rules which are no crying, no snitching and to get revenge. He witnessed the murder of his brother. He goes on a adventure seeking revenge On the person who killed his older brother Shawn and on the way he meets his father for the first time and others people who want to help him along the journey. In the novel The Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds depiction of Unconscious /conscious motivation reveals when people have something engraved in their mind it will cause people to react without thinking. Jason Reynolds also reveals the idea of selective perception because it shows that people and remember …show more content…

I got work to do. A job to do. Business to handle I, said”(Reynolds 100) this quotes shows the degree will took to following the three simple rules, He did not cry, He did not snitch and most importantly he’s on his way to try to get revenge. When Dani was in the elevator and saw that Will was trying to conceal a gun Dani asked Will “But you ever even shot a gun? She asked. Don’t matter, I said. Don’t matter”(Reynolds 143) In his quotes Reynolds wrote about how in Will’s mind that he had to follow the third rule which was Revenge. He never thought of the logistics because he has never shot a gun before and when he was asked if he has ever shot a gun before. He said it doesn't matter which implies he has never, but he is confident that he …show more content…

Will father teaching his son that he just met a valuable lesson. Will’s father held at gun point by his father because from his father experiences of shooting the wrong person he does not want his son to make the same mistake. A prime example of selective memory is when Will said “the day before yesterday, when Shawn died, the moon was off. Somebody told me once a month the moon blacks out and becomes new and the next night be back to normal”(Reynolds 22). This quote shows that will select the memory from the day that his older brother died because he said the moon was shut off. Will’s father was not around him during his childhood, after Shawn died he ran into his father and told him the plan to get revenge, Will did not know this but when his father was trying to get revenge he shot the wrong person and his father did not want Will to make the same mistake so” He pulled the gun from my waistband. And put it to my head. What are you doin’? Is hrilled, in shock. What the hell you doin’! Eye-to-eye, a tears streaming down his face. Just one, so it ain’t really count. Chest aching like a weight crushing me, biscuit tight against my temple. He cocked it. Sounded like a door closing”(Reynolds 223) This was important because Will remembered this lesson from his father which is important so he would not make the same mistake his father