Differences Between Jazz And Modern Dance

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Jazz and modern dance are two different genres of dance. Jazz dance started in the early
1700’s in Africa and was brought to America through the slave trade. Two pioneers that influenced jazz dance were Jack Cole and Katherine Dunham. Jack Cole was called “the Father of theatrical jazz dance” and is remembered as the prime creator of the jazz heritage. Katherine
Dunham was known for her leadership of African American jazz dance and started her own dance company. Modern dance started in the early 19th century and started mainly in Germany.
Two people who influenced modern dance were Loie Fuller and Ruth St. Denis. These two women influenced many choreographers till this day with their style and techniques.
Jazz dance started in the early 1700’s …show more content…

Ruth St. Denis inspired many choreographers as well as Loie Fuller. Not only did she inspired modern dance but also many students who later became significant people in modern dance.
Jazz and modern dance are two very different genres of dance. Jazz and modern dance are two very unique styles of dancing, with that there are many differences between the two. For instance, jazz dance is a much older dance style than modern dance. Also, modern dance is said to be expressed through your feelings, while jazz is a faster pace and involves attitude. Although both jazz and modern dance have traces of ballet, jazz dance is more structured and relies on the music being played.
Jazz and modern dance both have very unique styles and backgrounds. With jazz dance starting in Africa and being influenced by many people, and modern dance starting mostly in
Germany and having many different genres. Many people underestimate the uniqueness of the two, jazz dance is very structured while modern dance is free and is to be expressed through your feelings. Although jazz and modern dance are very different from one another, they have one thing in common, they are constantly influencing young dancers