
' Jealousy In Edith Wharton's Short Stories

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For many years women were seen as meek nurturing beings, especially in the past when a woman’s role was to take care of their children and homes. Clearly this was an era in which a women’s social position solely relied on her husbands. Although, it is evident women can be seen in a positive light it is best to keep in mind they are in the same way just as capable of manipulation and deceit especially, in regards to their personal relationships. While, in truth everyone can perceive an image that is being portrayed inaccurately as women would want to show only the best to the world looking in. Naturally, women can allow their jealousy to get the best of them leading them to covet their neighbor and causing a rift within their friendships. Friendships …show more content…

Edith Wharton admits these women had lived quite close to one another in New York yet led different lives (829). Which demonstrates the fact even though they resided in a close premises Alida and Grace were close in quarters but not in really invested in their friendship. Meanwhile most of their interactions seem to come from their past times together. Throughout the conversation both of their inner thoughts are revealed and both are guilty of assuming things of the other. In short Grace’s opinions of Alida are that she sees herself smarter then she might be and having a high regard for herself, while Alida’s visions of Grace to dull and shy(829- 831). Women are quick to pass judgement on one another and to allow their assumptions to get the best of them which Alida and Grace are guilty of. Friendships that are in fact true are built primarily on unity among women who positively try to build one another up rather than tear them down. Women would pride themselves in the others success wishing to see them happy within their …show more content…

Rena Korb a literary writer points out how Alida out of jealousy sends Grace out in hopes of her to fall ill or even die (309).Which leaves the reader to speculate the reasoning behind Alida wanting to cause harm or force Grace into a sickness. Alida reveals how she knew Grace was in fact in love with her beloved finance so in her plane to be rid of Grace she sent her off in the cold night to the Colosseum by way of trickery, with letter to Grace signing it Mr. Slade. Although, it is unthinkable to many for Grace to have intentions to meet a man who was already spoken for it sheds some light on her character that up until this point is seen on the tender side. Where is also leaves the reader having some compassion towards Alida. Meanwhile, Bowbly reports the shock Grace Ansley feels upon hearing the note she thought to come from Mr.Slade was a lie while ,she sulks for a few minutes she wastes no time in revealing to her rival that the meeting did in fact take place between them that night(Gale Database). Naturally Alida would be hurt by this news yet reinforces her feelings of superiority that she had Mr. Slade for 25 years while, Grace had just the one night to which Grace employs the most powerful statement of all I had

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