
Jem Standing Up For Himself In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

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Jem Standing Up For Himself Did Jem change throughout the book, To Kill a Mockingbird? In the book “To Kill A Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, it begins the story of Jem and Scout while growing up in a small town named Maycomb. Jem experiences many coming of age points in the book. In the beginning of the book, he's doesn't stand up for himself, unlike the ending of the book you can tell the substantial difference. Jem’s coming of age is developed when he starts to stand up for himself, through setting, mood, and external conflict. In the beginning of the book, Jem’s character is developed through setting. Jem goes back to the Radley house to retrieve his pants that he accidently left there the night before. Jem’s pants tear as he and Scout try to escape from being seen by Boo Radley. On page 62-63, Jem states, “That’s why i'm going after em.” When Jem goes back to the Radley house to retrieve his pants, he sees his pants sewn and folded nicely next to the fence. Jem has always been afraid of Boo Radley. The first time that he went to the Radley house, Scout and Dill went to the house with him. When Jem went to go retrieve …show more content…

Jem and Atticus have a person v.s. person conflict when Jem goes to the prison where Atticus is talking to a group of white men about Tom Robinson. On page 174, Jem and Atticus have an external person vs. person conflict. “Go home Jem,” Atticus said, “Go home, I said.” Jem shook his head. “Son I said go home.” “I ain’t going” was Jem’s answer to Atticus.” Atticus tells Jem to take Scout and go home, but Jem repeatedly says no. If Jem left, then the group of white men would have probably jumped Atticus because they didn’t like that Atticus was defending Tom Robinson. Jem basically saved Atticus and Tom Robinson’s life. This conflict between Jem and Atticus was the most important coming of age moment for Jem as Jem stands up for himself against Atticus. He deliberately disobeys his

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