Jem's Growth In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

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Jem Finch ages from 10-13 over to course of this story, a time of grow in any child’s life. Jem definitely grew during this story. Not only can you see Jem growth by his physical traits, but also by the qualities he shows towards others. Jem is a brave, intelligent, gentleman. Jem is someone that I would like to be. Jem is the action taker and represents the idea of bravery in this novel; you can see this throughout the whole story. Jem overcomes his fears and stands up for himself and others. When the story begins, Jem's idea of bravery is running up and touching the Radley’s door just because "In all his life, Jem had never declined a dare." We can assume Jem has found this bravery from his age and from the characters around him.