Jessica Riddle: A Case Study

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12/13 11:40am this worker went to the home of Michael Gisern in search of Jessica riddle. When this worker arrived this worker knocked once there is no answer at the door. This worker knocked twice there was no answer at the door this worker went to leave and put a letter in the mailbox for Jessica Riddle. This worker turned around and Michael was walking from the shop next-door to his home. This worker greeted Michael and asked Michael if he had seen Jessica Riddle. Michael told this worker that Michael and Jessica had a fight that morning over a link transaction that was canceled the previous night. Michael took Jessica to sway goes to pull money off of her and Link Card although Jessica knew there was no money on the Link Card. Michael showed this worker a note that he had written Jessica about the …show more content…

Jessica had received a ride from Eric to rehab that morning. Michael told this worker that Jessica and Michael had gotten into a dispute that morning over money. Over a period of 10 weeks Michael has given Jessica $500. Michael was sick and feeding Jessica's heroin problem and wanted her to get help. He was glad he got DCFS involved. Michael stated this way It can get Jessica help because she has to. Michael was sick and giving money to Jessica problem. My client giving her $150 previously to go to the rehab but rehab was full. Michael was angry that Jessica told the police the allegations of Michael touch and Lily Anna. Michael states that he has bought gifts for Lily Anna to see Lily a smile and Jessica says that he was buying to guess after the assaults on Lily Anna. Michael stated that he had guns and coins at his home that he had removed due to the possible police investigation The allegations of Lily Anna's sexual abuse. Jessica told Michael that looks guilty that Michael had removed his items from the home. Michael stated that he was a lot of things but he was not a child

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