Jessica Wainwright: A Short Story

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Jessica Wainwright stared out into the distance and sighed. Her best friend Alma waved her hands across her face. "Earth to Jess." She flicked the hands away and sighed again. "Jess, don't tell me you've got all mopey again." Alma grumbled. "You're dating the hottest guy in college, your grades are amazing and everybody loves you. Face it Jessica, your life is perfect." Jessica faced Alma, pouting. "Maybe you're right." She said, but her mind was still daydreaming. Alma rolled her eyes and said she was going to class. Jessica waved her goodbye and then sat for a while, lost in her thoughts. It was true, she had nothing to complain about and yet, something wasn't quite right. Something was missing. She didn't feel like going back to class. Maybe …show more content…

She stared at the screen blankly and then put her phone away. She took out an old notepad and a pen and began writing her essay. She wrote about everything she has learnt and every thing they had in common and ended it saying she hoped they would speak again. Satisfied, she ran with her essay to the Internet cafe where Dr Aaron Spells was waiting for her. He smiled, but said nothing as she handed him her essay and left. When she checked her phone, she noticed she had been logged out of the website and was unable to access it. She found herself wishing she had replied to the poem and desperately hoping one of them won. She went to college, but no class or teacher could hold her attention that day. Finally, she got a phone call from an unknown number. "Hello Jessica. This is Aaron Spells. You have won the competition. Come to the cafe to meet your pair up." Jessica couldn't believe it. She was finally going to meet the one who stole her heart. She ran to the cafe where Mr Spells was waiting for her. He was holding a laptop in his hands and he gestured towards it. She saw a form open on the laptop. "Name: Sarah Michelle Connor." It read. "User: summerloving93. Age: 20. Sex: Female. Race: Caucasian." And so on and it ended with - "Location: New