Jessie Trice Community Health Center Case Study

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The Jessie Trice Community Health Center, Inc. (JTCHC), is a Florida 501(c)(3), not-for-profit, Federally Qualified Health Center, which has been serving Miami-Dade County since 1967. The target population is the uninsured and underinsured, 95 percent of which live at or below the Federal Poverty Level of 200 percent. JTCHC served its first patients from a trailer. Now, 40 years after its founding, JTCHC owns and operates 16 facilities, including 6 comprehensive primary care centers, 20 school-based centers, and other medical facilities. The ethnic make-up of the service area varies significantly and to meet this challenge, JTCHC has taken a proactive role by adopting the Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) standards model