Jezebel's Short Story: The Fire God

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Before there was Earth, Jezebel and Arthur, the two rivaling siblings had always been known to cause trouble throughout their adolescence. Jezebel is known to be the Water goddess and Arthur as the Fire God. As they grew older, their rivalry became more prone to igniting things in their home. Although their Mother, Theresa, had always been present to guide them right from wrong, one day, she wasn’t. The siblings fought and struggled with each other, trying to finish each other. “You are a slithering fowl thing!” the older brother, Arthur, roared when he shot an orb of sparks at his younger sister, Jezebel. She quickly dodged the attack and shot a fountain toward her brother, giggling as she remarks, “Is that all you can say, brother?” Arthur growled and glared daggers at his sword before igniting the room, circling his sister with his sword. The flames had nearly burned her when vapors began to rise and cloud in his view. He tried to sense her there, her cold soul against the flames, but she had dispersed. A fear took over his breath when he called out for her as steam took over the fire he had created. …show more content…

The water collided with his body and sent him flying. Anger rose within him, steaming away the vapors and clearing the way. “That’s it.” He snarled. He had enough of being pushed around from his younger sister. When he recovered from the attack he stood up, but a pool of crystallize army approached him from the vapor that were still evaporating. Arthur staggered back, his hands growing into igneous fists. He fired into the crystallized army and sent them back with lames. These sparks created his own army and he went to capture his