Jfk Lord Of The Flies Comparison Essay

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The JFK film and the novel Lord of the Flies have a lot in common especially with the death of Simon and also the death of the 35th president John F. Kennedy. The government I know for fact had a part in this assassination, because of how they were trying to cover it up. They wanted to brainwash people into thinking that it was Lee Harvey Oswald, who killed John F. Kennedy. On the other hand, Simon’ death was on accident. Simon went out hunting for food and came back as they were all dancing and as they saw him, they all ran up to him thinking it was the “beast” when really it wasn’t. They all participated in the killing of Simon and they tried covering it up by saying “oh it was the beast” that they saw running. They tried covering it up …show more content…

As you keep reading the book, you soon realize that all the bigguns, including Ralph, starts treating all of the littluns like if they don’t really matter to him nor anyone else in the whole group, but the thing is that Ralph is supposed to be treating everyone the same but really he's not. For example when Jack separated himself from Ralph and created his "own tribe" and Piggy asked Ralph if there was anyone left that didn't go to the other side of the island with Jack and Ralph's response is very shocking to Piggy. "There's some littluns. They don't matter..." This clearly shows that Ralph has no heart for any of the littluns, he doesn't even think twice about liking the littluns, he's obviously with the bigguns. This exactly like in both movies, as well as in society today, where if the government needs something or wants something they don't really care if it affects the people around them, all they care about is if they get what they want in there own way and if they have the people following their own