Jim Crow Laws

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What comes next is a very much needed, but undoubtedly a grim chapter in our nation's brief history, the atrocious Civil war known as "a new birth of freedom" said by no one other than Abraham Lincoln himself. With the southern states succeeding from the northern states, this quite literally cut the country right in half. With the north or the Union is against slavery and the south or the Confederacy is pro-slavery, thus providing even more encouragement among free blacks in the north to fight against the tyrannical south. It is noted that when it was all said and done African-Americans accounted for around ten percent of the union army. This is due to the promises of being considered equals among their fellow citizens. Essentially, the Confederates are breaking the law by literally taking up arms against the president and united states government. Even …show more content…

By the implementation of the inferiority among black people compared to their white counterparts, instilled a vitriol that was and still is extremely devastating to a more equal future. Shortly following the civil war, the south being bitter in the aftermath of surrender, took it among themselves to create the segregation laws. Laws that came to be known as the incredibly devious Jim Crow laws. These insidious Laws were enforced by the former Confederate southern states, which began in the late 1870's and early 1880's, that actually made it legal to segregate blacks from whites. The Jim Crow laws confined legal rights of black people to be designated their own colored public facilities, as well as their schools, even to water drinking fountains. This is stripping the most basic human decency from the very fabric of our nation, making it very difficult for African-American's to find decent job employment to find a steady