Job Shadowing Essay

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Now that you have completed your job shadowing experience, take some time to think about your experience. 1. Describe the job site you visited. The job site I visited was a hair/nail salon. Throughout the two hours I was there I go to interact with different customers. There were many different hair products, hair accessories, and more. 2. What was the title and general responsibilities of your job shadow host? The title of my job shadow host is a cosmetologist. Her daily activities include a ton of activities besides just cutting hair, doing nails, hairstyling, coloring, and highlighting hair. She also runs the salon, so she is scheduling appointments throughout the day, sweeping up the floor, paying her employees, and really anything that needs …show more content…

What type of work activities did you observe during your job shadowing experience? During my job shadow I got to observe a girl get blonde highlights out in, and how the person parts thier hair and mix up the color that they put in the lady’s hair. I then watched eyebrows get waxed. Carol then showed me different hair products and how some are meant for different types of hair, such as length, color, and thickness. I also followed her around as we talked doing everyday activities such as taking phone calls, and cleaning up the dishes she puts color in. 4. What did you like best about your job shadowing experience? What I enjoyed the most about my job shadow experience was watching the girl get highlights put in. I enjoyed this because I get my hair highlighted and I thought it was cool observing how they do it and now I know what’s going on exactly when I get my hair done. 5. What did you like least about your job shadowing experience? What I liked least about my job shadow experience was listening to her tell me about the different products. Not that she did a bad job, but I liked the other parts more where I got to interact with the customers. And overall, I don’t find learning about hair products that

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