
John Butler's Song Review: Used To Get High

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In today’s society, which is dominated by what people think of one person, or how they are perceived by the public eye, the masses tend to gravitate towards things that are considered “cool.” This can be seen in the purchase of name brands such as Nike or Supreme, simply because it carries the logo that people hope will make them feel accepted or cool. This gravitation towards popular things simply because they carry a name brand or have a large following drive society backwards, as this discourages people to make their own decisions or utilize critical thinking to push society forward. As a result of this many artists continually choose to target many citizens appeal to popular. However not all pop culture artists are simply there to appeal …show more content…

Essentially what Butler means is that people in society take what they are given, without questioning why it is there. John Butler pushes society in the right direction, by telling people that they should not accept what they are given without questioning its legitimacy, and its relevance. When Butler calls the food he was given “Bullshit” he is simply stating that all the things he was told about how great it would be were simply not true. This is more uncommon in today's society as many celebrities do not advocate for individual though beyond the continuation of the idolization of popular products, and trends. Today’s society is dominated by what is considered to be “in,” take the trend of beards or Adidas Superstars. Both flourished and have become extremely popular because they are considered to be cool, so many people looking to become cooler or fit in more have obtained them in hopes of being accepted. John Butler challenges this position, with a personal connection, saying that he used to be like many of the people who blindly listened to the what they were told was what society wants them to do, or act or buy, or wear. John Butler offers up an objection to the common appeal to popular that society forms

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