John Calhoun Crisis Analysis

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By: Abdulaziz Alaskar

John C. Calhoun Crisis #3

Dear Citizens of the U.S.,

I am 100% opposing to the tariffs. The purpose of the Tariffs was to provide protection to Industrialists and Manufacturers in the North, to do that they increased duties on imported foreign goods by the British. The union is helping one part and affecting the other. Us the southerners are being harmed firstly by paying higher prices on goods that we couldn’t produce, and secondly increasing taxes on British imports made it difficult for Britain to pay for the cotton they imported from the South. For that, I think that we have the right to succeed or separate from the union. I will keep ignoring the government until there is an end to this, if there is no end then …show more content…

In 1833, Henry Clay's compromise bill with me slowly lowered tariffs over the next decade, this bill was eventually accepted by South Carolina and ended the nullification crisis. For that, I appreciate how Henry Clay is trying his hardest to keep the union together without affecting any side. Sure you're going to say Calhoun brought out the doctrine of nullification just because he is in need of votes, and Calhoun is also supporting the tariffs while saying that the South have the right to succeed. True that I want to be president true that I support the tariffs and don’t everything happens with a reason. I mean I’m I support the tariffs because I want the north to want what it wants for itself, and I want the south to get what it wants for itself but if there is no agreement to things so they can be right then that’s where I started to become against tariffs. Just like the Indian removal act Buren and Jackson blamed it all on me. Jackson said that it has been me who introduced the idea but if I haven’t Indians in the east of the Mississippi river to the west, if it has been me who introduced the idea well it was vetoed why did you sir Andrew Jackson re-propose the idea. Martin Van Buren, you're the one that sent your army to kick them