John D Rockefeller Research Paper

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John D. Rockefeller, the giant of the oil industry, was born on July 8th 1839 in Richford, New York. John D. described himself as “not an easy student” and learned most of his business techniques and tactics from his father, “Big Bill”, who cheated his children every chance he got. He did this so that they could learn from their mistakes and to make sure it does not happen again. One of the moments in John D. cherished was when he got his first job at Hewitt & Tuttle, on September 26(pg.19). He always celebrated that day as though it were a national holiday, the flag was always flying over his house(pg.19). John D. Rockefeller was an incredibly talented person in the area of business, he was able to buy up all of his competitor’s companies in Cleveland to …show more content…

147) which is an interesting fact about what John D. had done. It would have seemed that he would have been loud about his opinions, yet he was actually quite quiet and had a different personality at home than what he had in the outside world. I believe that John D. Rockefeller had a positive effect on the world. He donated 530 million dollars(in today’s money) total in gifts and beneficiaries in 1913, which is a pretty big amount. We also would not have trusts as it was John D. Rockefeller who first used the idea in the Standard Oil Company. Many businessmen still use the tactics that John D. had used when building his monopoly, hoping they would meet with the same success as Rockefeller. I think that the world would be worse if john D. Rockefeller had not lived. First of all, when Standard Oil was ordered to dissolve(pg. 224) the smaller companies later merged to become part of BP, Chevron, Sunoco and ExxonMobil. None of these big companies would have existed today if it were not for the Standard Oil Company and John D. Rockefeller. Also, the University of Chicago would not exist as John D. donated an abundance of money into the