
John F Kennedy Inaugural Address Ethos Pathos Logos

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In the 1960s America had just gotten out of a war and Rising tensions with the Soviets we expected to get into another one, along with that John F. Kennedy just got elected, this is what he has to say. It was 1961 when Kennedy gave his inaugural speech, it was practically oozing with rhetorical strategies. Kennedy new kind of state Country was in, so with this speech he needed to comfort the people of America, he does this by using rhetorical strategies ethos, pathos, logos. First we will evaluate the ethos / logos. Can we States on last sentence of paragraph one,” for I have sworn before you and almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly century and three quarters ago”. This gives credibility because he was doing his inaugural speech after he just got elected. It also gives him an oath of God, which back then people were a lot more religious so it meant more than it did today. Kennedy States in paragraph 8 line 4,” if a free Society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who were rich”. This shows logic by him knowing what his country can do and what he should do with it. It also shows that he will cater to the poor more than to the rich. Overall there's much ethos / logos but there is much more pathos. Next movaluate some …show more content…

This shows pathos by showing how it enables and end of an era to a new more equal era. It shows repetition by repeating the same “as change” line. Also, Kennedy says in paragraph 6 line 2,” United there is little we cannot do in a host of Cooperative Ventures, divided there is little bee can do”. This is an oxymoron because you Compares two opposite statements to invoke you more emotional response from the audience. It is also pee through as it gives more emphasis on the how he wants to unite the country to make it stronger while tensions are still high with the

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