John Fremont: A Good Man

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John Fremont John Fremont was a good man. I want to start out with telling you, the readers, a little bit about him. So in 1833 he was a math teacher to the main cadets in the U.S Navy. He was born in Savannah Georgia on January 21, 1813. He lived a long successful life until he died on July 13, 1890 [age 77]. He took control of California from the Bear Flag Republican in 1846. Fremont led 4 expeditions. He married Jesse Benton, who is the daughter of the senator, Thomas Hart Benton. He led his four expeditions in the American West. Some of the low times of his life where he got put down as guilty in court for refusing to obey the police orders, and saying he was the Military Governor of California. On his fourth expedition he killed 10 people.