
John Green Isolation

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People who are different feel alone and nobody wants to interact with them. They isolate themselves from everything and everyone around them, so they can be alone and not have to worry about what other people think of them. However, sometimes a person can meet someone who is worth their time and treats them like they deserve everything. In John Green’s novel, The Fault In Our Stars cancer takes over Hazel’s life. She meets someone in a cancer support group who changes her life and makes her feel special. John Green demonstrates character change and development throughout the entire story. John Green shows how cancer affects one’s life and how meeting the right person changes one’s life completely and makes people see things from a different perspective. The topic of isolation and being different from everyone else is first addressed when Hazel’s mother suspects that something is wrong and thinks Hazel is depressed because of the way she started to act. The author illustrates this point when Hazel states, “Late in the winter of my seventeenth year, my mother decided I was depressed, presumably because I rarely left the house, spent quite a lot of time in bed, read the same …show more content…

“I’m a grenade. I just want to stay away from people and read books and think and be with you guys because there is nothing I can about hurting you” (Green, 99). She uses the word exploding which is a metaphor for dying. As stated earlier, early death is a side effect of cancer. She is afraid she will hurt the people who love her when she dies. Just like a grenade, when it explodes it injures the people around it. Hazel is an introvert and doesn’t want to be out in the public. The word grenade is important and sticks out the most because it shows that Hazel doesn’t trust herself and doesn’t feel safe. This reveals that cancer affects Hazel’s everyday

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