John Green Research Paper

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When people think of celebrities, they picture flawless figures that the media portrays. But, John Green is different, he is unique. He doesn’t hide behind a cloak pretending to be perfect. In fact, Green embraces his flaws and uses them in his writing to connect with his readers. John Green is a modern day author that writes realistic fiction novels. These books target at the young adult audience, but they reach the hearts of all age groups.

His story begins on August 24th of 1977 in Indianapolis, Indiana ( Growing up John Green was always taught to be himself no matter what. This brought him to get labeled as an outcast for not trying to fit in( Through primary school, he attended Lake Highland Preparatory School ( During …show more content…

In 2012, his time with the sick children is what brought him to write The Fault in Our Stars ( A story we all know, and love. Yet, he wrote many novels beforehand. Such as, Looking For Alaska. Which is about a teenager who goes off to boarding school; like John was. Examples like this make it clear that inspirations for his stories come from his own life.

Looking back on his life, John Green cannot remember a time he didn't struggle with mental illness ( He has had times where he felt out of control. As if his anxiety and OCD were taking over ( There was even a period a few years ago where he went off his meds to spark creativity ( In an interview with the New York Times, Green says, “I couldn’t escape the spiral of my thoughts, and I felt like they were coming from the outside.” Some good came out of this dark time as well. John Green wrote a novel of the experience, Turtles All the Way Down. Which about a high school girl with the same illnesses as he. Green brings light to darker subjects like this. His work helps people realize that they aren’t