John Hincley Case Study

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Although John Hinckley was trying to get Jodi Foster’s attention, when John HInckley shot President Ronald Reagan, Jodi didn't want anything to do with John. Just a normal day Ronald Reagan started his day out by announcing a speech at the National Conference Building and Construction Trades Department. Reagan finished his speech (to a group of trade unionists) around 2:25. All Mr. President had to do was walk 30 feet to his waiting limo. The Secret Service thought he didn't need a bulletproof vest because he didn't have to walk that far, but they were wrong. Shots fired When Reagan made it to his limo, John HInckley brought out his .22-caliber revolver. Hinckley shot six successful shots in only two to three seconds. Four bullets …show more content…

Here is who was shot. James Brady (Press Secretary) was shot in the head. the doctors said he would have brain injuries if he survived. Police Officer Tom Delahanty was shot in the neck and doctors said he was in serious condition. Secret Service Agent Tim mcCarthy was in serious condition and was shot in the abdomen, And finally the last person shot was president ronald reagan he was shot in the torso the bullet punctured his lung and barely missed his heart. Cool Facts Ronald Reagan was 70 years old. He got a order for 30 pints of o-negative blood. Hinckley has planned the assassination since 1976. He also wrote a letter to Jodi Foster about how he was taking a "life for a life." The Secretary of State Alexander Haig told the press " I am in control here at the White House pending return of the Vice President." Reagan was shot with only one bullet. The bullet ricochet off the limo into Reagan's chest. Thankfully, the bullets didn't explode like they were supposed to. There is also a video of the shooting. The ending John Hinckley wasted his time trying to kill Reagan because Jodi Foster doesn't want anything to do with John. This encounter was truly terrifying. I am just glad that everyone is ok and that they survived this tragedy. I bet they were