John F Kennedy Assassination Research Paper

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The topic I chose is the assassination of John F. Kennedy, from the LIFE magazine archive Vol. 55, No. 22 page23, dated November 29th 1963.
The assassination of president Kennedy was tragic, shocking, and swept America off of its feet. President John F. Kennedy died Friday November 22nd 1963 in Dallas, Texas riding through Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas. According to LIFE magazine,” The carvan had just passed through the downtown area of Dallas and made a sharp left turn at the corner of Elm and Houston Streets, where it headed down an incline into an underpass. First came the police motorcycle escorts and then the big Lincoln bearing the Kennedys and Texas governor John Connally and his wife. The crowds were thin at this point, but the President …show more content…

Governor Connally, glances around to see what has happened , and himself is struck by a bullet proceding to slump forward. Mrs. Kennedy becomes aware of what has happended and reaches over to help, the President collapses on his wife’s shoulder and she cradles him in her arms to rest. “ Unforunatley John F. Kennedy was fatally wounded by three gun shots from the assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald. John F. Kennedy was rushed to a Dallas hospital called Parkland Hospital where he was later then pronounced dead at the age of 46. Later that day accoriding to John F. Kennedy presidential library and museum,” Before the plane took off, a grim-faced Lyndon B. Johnson stood in the tight, crowded compartment and took the oath of office, administered by US District Court Judge Sarah Hughes. The brief ceremony took place at 2:38 p.m.” Sunday November 24th Lee Harvey Oswald, was scheduled to be taken from the police headquarters to the county jail. News reporters and press crowding police men with live television cameras witnessed Lee Harvey Oswald fatally wounded by a gentlemen named Jack Ruby who emerged from the crowd. According to History,” Jack Ruby, originally known as Jacob Rubenstein, operated strip joints and dance halls in Dallas and had minor connections to organized