John Singer Essay

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John Singer is a tall, thin man with grey eyes. Singer is deaf and chooses to be mute. Singer works at a jewelry shop as an engraver. Singer lived with his best friend Antonapoulos for ten years until Antonapoulos was taken away to an insane asylum. After Antonapoulos moved out Singer became very depressed and lonesome, in order to have human contact he moved in as a border at the Kelly’s house. Singer was born deaf and learned sign language, but the thing he keeps most secret is the fact that he can talk, but he is ashamed of the way other people react to his voice. Singer may be intelligent but he still worries about how he appears to everyone else. Although Singer is deaf he has the ability to read lips, so he can carry out a conversation …show more content…

Singer is a listener as opposed to a talker and that is what attracts people to him. People are always looking for a confidant and Singer is the perfect person. Singers’ friendship with Antonapoulos was important to Singer because he spends his entire day listening to others, so when he comes home he would rather talk about his day. After the departure of Antonapoulos, Singer didn’t have anyone to listen to him and he became even quieter and just listened to other peoples problems. Singer appeared to be the perfect person in the eyes of everyone in town because he was intelligent and seemed to understand things beyond human comprehension. Everyone in the town has a different theory and story about Singer and Singer didn’t feel the need to disprove those tales. While the people of the town consider Singer a friend and the relationship they have with him a friendship, they are really taking advantage of him, they don’t even think to ask Singer abut his life and his struggles. Singer may have many “friends” he suffers from the epidemic of mankind