John Smith Description Of Va Analysis

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Primary Source 1 Assignment During John Smith’s, journey to the New World, there are many depictions and accounts of what he encountered during his time in Virginia. Which could have ended abruptly at any single moment because of the difficulties he had to experience in his quest. As he faced adversity through this journey to the New World we witness first hand John Smiths, encounter with the Native Americans and settler’s way of life in the early 1600’s. Looking further into John Smith’s, depiction into the New World he first steps foot onto Jamestown, and is immediately struck in awe as he begins to survey the land and the people. In his first account of the New World, he describes the air to be mild and the soil to be fertile (Marcus …show more content…

1, and “Captain John Smith” by Dennis Montgomery have many accounts, comparisons and differences in the New World. The secondary sources both compare John Smiths “Description of VA”, but they are not a first account of colonist and Native Americans. The sources mainly describe John Smith journey in third person point of view. Which is why I am going to describe “Description of VA” first because it is the more reliable source. This article mainly focuses on Jamestown through the eyes of John Smith. Since we are in John Smiths point view during the article we can uncover descriptions about Jamestown and the Native Americans. These descriptions of the New World and Jonestown are so descriptive that he recognizes everything from the air to animal life to colonist to the natives. As he is describing the people he reflects vaguely on his own cultural bias by discussing how the Native Americans and colonist’s customs look very different than his own. I believe he wrote this account to take back to England so he could share with the people of what is happening. I also think that he wanted to bring more people over with this account so that more colonist could join the New World. Which is entirely different point of view from the secondary sources because we are given what John Smiths, journey was like and what he did throughout his life. Because this view is different than the other primary source there is more valid link of authenticity to what John Smith said and what he