John Steinbeck Biography Essay

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John Steinbeck Biography Out of all the books/ novella we read this year, Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck is definitely my favorite. It is very difficult for me to pick up a book and start reading; however, if I enjoy the book I can’t put the book down. I enjoyed the book because it was sort of like cowboys working on the ranch. Also the friendship between George and Leenie is a reminder to always look after a friend how needs your help. John Steinbeck’s novella Of Mice and Men is a good example of how difficult life was in the 1930’s. John Steinbeck had a simple life and enjoyed his childhood. He was born and raised on February 27, 1902, in Salinas, California. His mother, Olive Hamilton, was a school teacher, while his father, John Ernst Steinbeck, was the manager of Sperry Flour mill. He also had a total of three sisters, Esther, Beth, and Mary. The town of Salinas was complete farmland and consisted of trading products. Steinbeck absolutely loved reading and writing. When he was younger he said he would grow up and become a writer, writing …show more content…

He was known as a freelance writer. He moved to New York, began working as a newspaper reporter and construction worker. However, after a few years in New York, he moved back to California. Once in California, Steinbeck married his first wife, Carol Henning. He was completely dependent off of Carol Henning’s income, while he was busy writing more books and novels. Stienbeck had a total of three wives in his lifetime. Steinbeck wrote many books that reflected the area/period he lived in. Steinbeck lived during World War I, World War II, The Great Depression, and Dust Bowl; therefore, he had much to write about. Many of this books were written to explain/ show an example of the injustice events. One of his novella, Of Mice and Men, in particular was turned into a movie in 1939. Steinbeck was very successful, over many of the books and novellas he