John Stuart Mill Subjection Of Women Essay

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hn Stuart Mill
John Stuart Mill was born on the 20th of May 1806, and was a philosopher who believed heavily in the idea of utilitarianism (The idea that states the best action is the one which maximises utility), which was introduced to this world by his predacessor, Jeremy bentham.
J.S Mill died on the 8th of May 1873, aged 66, almost 67. He had contributed an incredible amount to social theory, political theory, political economy, and women's rights by writing many books, mainly about equality

John Stuart Mill was most well known for his ideas on:
Rule utilitarianism is the idea that states that the best action is the one which maximises utility.
Act utilitarianism is the idea that states whether actions should be chosen based …show more content…

‘The Subjection of Women’ is a paper about the ideas that he developed with his wife Hariiet Taylor Mill. It was published in 1869, and hit the euopean standards about the status of men and women by surprise.
In my opinion, every year 9 pupil should research John Stuart Mill. Firstly, he was one of the most important writers and philosophers in the Victorian era, which would allow us to learn about what philosophy was like in the . Secondly, he was incredibly smart, having mastered Latin by 8 years old, and by the age of fourteen, was studying Jeremy Bentham, the founder of utilitarianism. Finally, J.S.M was a heavy believer of utilitarianism, since the influence of utilitarianism sent him on a lifelong pursuit of social reform.
I believe that John Stuart Mills most substantial idea, was his belief of individual liberty, because he stemmed away from his lifelong interest of utilitarianism, and took a look at society from a different