John White Roanoke Research Paper

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After three long years away from his family overseas, John White returned to the Roanoke colony only to discover a site that would raise questions for the next hundreds of years. Carved into a nearby tree of the Roanoke colony, the words “Croatoan” and “Cro” were the last shrew of evidence remaining of the Roanoke colony. The word “Croatoan” remains a mystery amongst scientists and archeologists today. The lost colony of Roanoke has developed many ideas and questions of the settlers’ location. Theories have developed over time but little facts are known about the disappearance of Roanoke’s settlers. The Roanoke colony was on the coast of North Carolina near the present day town of Manteo. There were three groups of settlers that arrived at …show more content…

Sir Walter Raleigh appointed a man named John White to be the governor of Roanoke. John White brought over one hundred citizens from England into the colony of Roanoke. With the help from a previously befriended Native American named Manteo, who had been taken to England prior to the third expedition to Roanoke, John White helped settle Roanoke. During the establishment of Roanoke, settlers began to realize they needed more supplies from England. With no knowledge of farming, the settlers became angst to send John White back to England in return for more seeds, food, and supplies for the Roanoke colony. With hopes of returning within a year, John White made his way back to …show more content…

Theories are being made with each new discovery. Historians and archeologists have developed theories with little evidence to work with. It will always be remembered as the lost colony. Whether the settlers died from disease, Indian violence, or relocated, it is always going to be remembered as a colony that did not survive. The settlers of the Roanoke colony very well could have survived alongside Indian tribes. The descendants of the settlers could have lived for many generations that followed the disappearance of the Roanoke colony. No evidence will ever be for sure what happened to the colony at