John Wilkes Booth: The Murder Of Abraham Lincoln

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John Wilkes Booth, the murderer of Abraham Lincoln. Booth was born on May 10, 1838 in Maryland. He became an actor at age 17 and was well known for being in plays (especially Shakespeare). Booth was a part of the Know-Nothing political party. During the Civil War, he was a Confederate secret agent. In March 1865, Booth attempted to kidnap Lincoln, but he failed. On April 14, 1865, he assassinated Lincoln at Ford´s theater. Once Booth had shot him while the play was being performed, Booth leaped onto the stage from the president´s balcony, confusing the audience. The audience thought it might be a part of the play because Booth was an actor. Then Booth shouted the famous words, ¨Sic semper tyrannis!¨” This meant, ¨Thus always to tyrants!¨ Then,