
Jorge Garcia's Views On Racism Summary

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Jorge Garcia's perspective on racism offers an exciting and comprehensive approach that surpasses the traditional understanding of this complex issue. He believes that more than just conscious attitudes, non-cognitive attitudes and structural factors also play a crucial role in perpetuating racial oppression. In this essay, Garcia's viewpoint will be analyzed in detail, particularly his emphasis on the intentional aspects of racism and individual attitudes. Additionally, we will delve into the implications of his perspective, particularly in understanding and combating the pervasive issue of racial injustice. Garcia's analysis highlights racism as a deliberate and harmful phenomenon that stems from attitudes, motives, and emotions rather than just cognitive beliefs. As per Garcia, racism involves a dangerous disregard for the welfare of particular groups of people and is considered a moral implication that arises from the heart rather than a mere …show more content…

Instead, Garcia contends that racist attitudes and motives, such as hatred, contempt, or indifference toward others, are the primary drivers of racist behavior. This critique highlights the limitations of purely cognitive explanations of racism and calls for a more profound analysis of affective and motivational factors. Garcia's theory of the "infection model" of racism suggests that racist attitudes can spread like a contagious disease, impacting not only individual behavior but also entire institutions. According to this model, if an act reflects the influence of a racist mindset, it is considered racist. Similarly, institutions are considered racist if they are based on racist attitudes and actions. The infection model illustrates the extent to which racism can be pervasive, affecting both individual behavior and societal

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