
Joseph Lerman's Story: I Cant Take This Anymore !

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"I CANNOT TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" The new senior Joseph Lerman yelled and got up from his seat, surprising the rest of the junior physics class.

Mrs. Bonham had just posed a question to the class when he had this sudden outburst, waking the class from the sleep Mrs. Bonham's voice seemed to lull them into. I loved drama as much as the next girl, but this was something else.

To have the school's new golden boy have an outburst in the middle of class was quite a shock to the rest of us.

"I DON'T KNOW WHY I THOUGHT COMING BACK TO HIGH SCHOOL WAS A GOOD IDEA. THIS PLACE IS HORRIBLE," He continued ranting. My eyes widened. He had been a drop out?

'The plot thickens...' was all that came to mind.

"Now Mr Lerman..." Mrs. Bonham began, woken from her state of surprise, where as I was still trying to process the whole situation. …show more content…

Officer Chris Cooper . Not 'Joseph Lerman'. I mean what kind of name is that?" He sighed, "I know my supervisor told me wait until we gathered more evidence, but I can't spend one more day in this hellhole. I'll be damned if it was all for nothing. Honestly I had forgotten how bad school was. How do you people survive? If you aren't on drugs you should be taking them! Your lives are miserable."

I would never have guessed a narc would be found in our school. It was quite a shock. Although I did take offense to him calling our lives miserable. I mean they weren't that bad. However now that I thought about it he did look more like a grown man than a boy who had just undergone puberty.

"Joseph... er Officer! I will not have you promote drug usage in my classroom," Mrs. Bonham

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