
Joseph Mccarthyism In The 1950s

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From 1950 to 1954, McCarthyism was feared throughout the United States because it was labeling innocent people as communists during the Cold War. McCarthyism was created by Joseph McCarthy and had an enormous effect on America with an involvement of the Red Scare and the Hollywood Ten. Not only did McCarthyism have an effect on America, but it also had an effect on countries and Europe and in China. McCarthyism was the newest version of the drama the The Crucible, which was about the Salem Witch Trials. During the Cold War, Soviet Union and the United States both powerhouse countries of the eastern bloc and the western bloc of the world. The Cold war started at 1947, two years after World War, and ended in 1991. The war fought between the …show more content…

He was elected as a senator because he bashed and criticized his opponent's failure to enlist soldiers during WWII and while doing that he emphasized his own wartime heroics. In 1950, McCarthy convicted 205 people of being a communist during the Cold War and that series of events was called McCarthyism. McCarthyism is the practice of making false accusations and subversions without having actual evidence of such crime. The United States were fighting in the Cold War in 1947 through 1991 and the war was about fighting against communism. During the Cold War, being labeled as a communist in the United States was of an offense in the country and lead to being blacklisted. If someone were blacklisted, they would have a harder time than others to find jobs because everyone would know they were convicted of being a communist. Few people spoke out against McCarthyism because of it’s long lasting effect it has on your lifetime in the United States. McCarthyism started to die down and come to end in 1954 when McCarthy tried to convict the U.S. Army of being apart of communism. The fear of communism in the United States first started with the Red …show more content…

politics, culture, and society and changing how everything would run. The second Red Scare starts in the late 1940s and came to an end in the early 1950s. Some employees of the federal government were started to be tested for their loyalty to the country of the United States. The Red Scare led to a national witch hunt for suspected communist supporters and that was known as McCarthyism. The second Red Scare led to McCarthyism and was the reason why McCarthyism was largely feared throughout the

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