Joseph Stalin Compared To A Totalitarian Government

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Dictatorship: Is the type of government in which a person followed by a political party or a specific group is in the possession of all the power. Generally, patriotic propaganda is used to exalt people’s nationality and the dictator. Moreover, there’s lots of censor in the means of communication. Such regime intervenes directly in people’s daily basis, including: censorship, repression, massacre to the opposition, etc.
Totalitarianism: It’s the junction of a totalitarian government and an ideology – when there is a totalitarian government, whether dictatorship or tyranny combined to an ideology –. Such regime tries to make people faithful to such ideology with the use of propaganda – there have already been many totalitarian governments such as: Fascism, Nazism, and Stalinism from the Left-wing side of the political spectrum –. In addition, obviously, the three supreme powers are in possession of the dictator. …show more content…

Such ideology arose to counteract the hierarchical and statist society that existed in the old regime – principally in absolutist monarchies –. During this period, society was divided in classes and the change between them was not allowed. According to liberalism, all people must have the same rights – being the private property the principal one –. Furthermore, political and social rights – like liberty of expression, the right to come and go, vote and be voted, participation in politics, equality between people, etc. – are also defended.
Neo-liberalism: Basically, such system is the rereading of the classic liberalism to the better adaption of the same one in today’s days – such system is more related to geographical aspects