imaginative work” that helped shape what the artists create in combination with their subjective representation of that material. A standout lyric from the aforementioned song was “Joseph Campbell and The Rolling Stones couldn’t give me a myth so I had to write my own…I never liked the name Joshua, I got tired of J”. This lyric clarifies what inspired him to create a new character that surrounds his intrinsic desires and archetypes projected through Father John Misty. Writer Joseph Campbell believes that works of popular culture reflect our personal meaning, essence, values, and beliefs. The artists’ works can cause feelings of personal identification to the material itself, as they recognize pieces relating to their own journey. Tillman struggled to achieve the same level of depth within his music via his own identity. Therefore, by creating a myth to mask his true self, he …show more content…
He constructed a feminine, eccentric character focused on using his front to transmit his values and beliefs. The postmodern artist focuses on the artificial construction of this image that can continuously change. Therefore, the individual identity blurs the lines between the image it created and reality, with reality often disappearing completely. This existential concern can damage the self, as artists become whatever world they choose, and their subjectivity is altered until they either change their image again or rid themselves of chains surrounding their ambivalence. Tillman is not the first to do this; he draws influence from earlier artists, such as Madonna and David Bowie who created characters for themselves to express a certain theme of paradigms they could translate to audiences. This is what William’s theory of the documentary concludes, which involves the artists taking note on popular art from the past and changing it to align with their