Josip Broz Tito was born in Kumrovec which in modern Croatia. In 1900, at the age of eight Broz entered primary school at Kumrovec..Bu he could complete only 4 years of school and he failed in his 2nd year. As a result of this all his life he was bad at spelling. After leaving school, he starts to work in family farm. As a 15 years old teenager, Broz started to work as locksmith. Where he has got training, food, room and board. After finishing apprenticeship in 1910, he used his new contacts and find a job in Zagreb. Afterwards Broz worked different jobs in Croatia, Slovenia, Germany and Austria. He was conscripted in to Austro-Hungarian Army in 1913 for his 2 years of service. Soon after, World War I started in 1914 in Sarajevo ( Bosnia and Herzegovina ), In 1915, he was seriously injured and captured during …show more content…
And his first job in 1946 was to execute Mihajlovic. Between 1945 and 1948 Tito led his country through an extreme form of dictatorship in order to mold Yugoslavia into a state model after the Soviet Union. He was selected in 1953 for the president which was going to be changed to the lifelong president in 1963. In 1953, Tito changed the relations with Soviet Union when Stalin wanted from Yugoslavia to join the Eastern European Communist bloc. And from this point Tito start to make his own policies, like relaxing of central control over many areas of national life, and putting it back into the control of the citizens. Also after Stalin’s death Tito started to make a new bloc in bi-polar world. This bloc was for “nonaligned” countries. Under his leadership, Yugoslavia made friendly ties with Arabic countries. And also criticized with them the Arab – Israel war in 1967. Under Tito’s leadership Yugoslavia was very active member in United Nations. Tito was married twice and had two sons. His first wife was Russian. After World War II he married Jovanka, a Serbian woman from Croatia many years younger than him. His wife often accompanied him on his