Journal Of Negative Masturbation

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Discussion- The interview responses closely aligned with the research and experiments of the journal articles. The consensus of research was that masturbation has a negative connotation within society and all ten of the participants in the study acknowledged the same. Their hypotheses as to why the stigma existed differed greatly. The only common explanations were that it is seen as “dirty”, “weird: and that it is a “private” topic, each answered from 3 out of the 10 participants. The one observably Christian female will be noted as CF and is responsible for a majority of the opposing answers. Her response was “It’s a weakness that people give in to” Although research would disagree that it is a weakness in the flawed context she proposed, it is a weakness in the sense that some people are unable to resist the natural want to make themselves feel good. This leads into the thought that the negative connotation may exist because it is seen as an addiction. In majority, people reiterated negative words society associates with masturbation, but could not say exactly why, they just accept that it is negative. …show more content…

In a study of 44 movies containing masturbation by Madanikia in The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 69% were comedies and 68% had a negative outcome such as being caught or interrupted. One Female participant was the only one to mention a non-video source, she mentioned that masturbation is prominently advertised on Women’s magazines. Just as the magazines promote a better sex life they promote masturbation. This is interesting because although it is taboo elsewhere, it is socially acceptable for a magazine to push