Humility And Surrender In The Sex Addicts Recovery

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“The Scriptures say, "God opposes proud people, but he helps everyone who is humble.
Be humble in the presence of God's mighty power, and he will honor you when the time comes.
God cares for you, so turn all your worries over to him.
1 Peter 5:5-7 (Contemporary English Version Bible)
The role of Humility and Surrender in the Sex Addicts' Recovery It is interesting to know that through the ages sex, as something wonderful that was created by God for the enjoyment of men and women has been degraded to the point that its use in these days it is not according as how God has established. Both, man and woman carried away by their carnal and sinful nature have used sex in a contrary way to the principles as God established from the beginning. Although: “Presently, the DSM-IV does not recognize sex addiction as a disorder” (Carnes P.J & Adams K.M, 202, p. 5) It is important recognize that sexual addiction is a problem that is growing every day in today's society regardless of gender, age and race, “Sexual addiction is a sickness involving any type of uncontrollable sexual activity. Because the addict can’t control his or her sexual behavior, negative consequences eventually result.” (Laaser, 2004, p. 23) …show more content…

If in the sex addict there is no desire to be humble, and feel that it is time to surrender the futile way of life, it is impossible of a profound change in their lives, and especially in regard to their sex addiction. The word of God is very clear when it says that: “If you don't confess your sins, you will be a failure. But God will be merciful if you confess your sins and give them up.” Proverbs 28:13 (Contemporary English Version