Judaism And Religion Essay

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Judaism embodies the religion, culture and philosophy of the Jewish people. It is an ancient monotheistic religion with its foundational text, the Torah. According to religious Jewish people, Judaism is the expression of the conventional relationship God had with the children of Israel. The Jewish history was written in the bible although it was formerly known to be a book of commandments therefore shaping the past of the Jewish people. Throughout the ninetieth century, the history of the Jews could be told and retold with nobody doubting that the stories were not legends or myths. However, there was a small group of radical thinkers who questioned the reliability of the biblical stories in general.
One of these radical thinkers was Voltaire, …show more content…

Hence having been through history and reducing the credit accorded or worthy of the Holy Scriptures. In the Catholic Church, the scriptural tradition refers to the manner of use and attitude accorded to the scriptures. The Catholic Church is very conservative with their style of using the scriptures and it is claimed that there is no one or no religion that can venerate or have greater respect for the scriptures than the Catholics themselves. Many of adoring ones are said to have a profound veneration of for it to an extent of kneeling down when kneeling down. For this reason, the Catholics tend to remain intact for it easily keeps its doctrines. In contrast, the Protestants handle the scriptures casually and therefore unable to sufficiently live by what it teaches. The Islamic scripture contains a wide range of concepts, which portray a great sense of unity. The basic scripture of Islam is the Qur’an. All the texts are regarded to be authoritative. These concepts include, but are not limited to knowledge, values, world view. The Islamic scriptures occur in a range and vary in degrees of authority. The scriptures of Islam, just as any other scripture since it teaches on respect for heritage as well as respecting cultural

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