Julius Caesar Manipulation Essay

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Julius Caesar is a very popular play that's been known across the world for decades. William Shakespear, the creator of the play is known for his outlandish style in playmaking, and with this piece you can see his representation of storytelling throughout. Summarizing the story, it starts off in Rome with Julius Caesar coming back from a battle won, and the roman citizens love him while there is a small group that are plotting against him. As time went on, Caesar was about to be named king, but the group that was planning against him then killed him. This then caused a civil war between the two sides; the people behind Caesar, and the group against. After preparation and battle, multiple main characters are left dead due to silly mistakes. …show more content…

The first example given was around the idea of propaganda for/against something from someone point of view. The use of propaganda may make the audience believe something that may or may not be true about that certain thing. This can cause problems because someone might have done nothing wrong but are accused of doing something, and are then being hated for that thing. The second idea of manipulation occurring in today’s world was a nation having mental control over all of its citizens. The best example of this right now would be North Korea. North Korea is currently under a communist party system and they will tell their whole population that they are the best country in the world, they are stronger than anyone, and are willing to fight if anyone were to mess with them. Even though presumably everyone in that country likely believes this, nearly all of that isn’t true. North Korea is a not a very wealthy country, most citizens have little money, the economy is very poor, and the country seems to go through continuous cycles of food shortages …show more content…

After a few disagreements, Caesar would then follow his wife’s word and would stay at home, all until Decius(apart of the group who wants to take down Caesar) shows up to take Caesar to the city hall to be crowned. But, Caesar would tell him that he is not going, so he asked why, and then Calpurnia told him the story. Decius would then interpret the story in a different way, stating this, “This dream is all amiss interpreted. It was a vision fair and fortunate. Your statue spouting blood in many pipes, in which so many smiling Romans bathed, signifies that from you great Rome shall suck reviving blood, and that great men shall press or tinctures, stains, relics, and cognizance.” After telling Caesar this, Decius was succefully able to persuade him to go to the city hall where Decius and his group, would assasinate Caesar and revolt against his order due to Decius manipulating Caesar. The other example in the play from Shakespeare was when Antony told Octavious what their plan is with Lepidus as the third leader in their regime if they were to hold