
Julius Caesar Protagonist Quotes

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Protagonist Essay Imagine being put in a position where you had to choose your best friend or your country. That is exactly the position Brutus was put in, in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. If you were put in this position what would you do? How deep is your friendship and loyalty; and where does it lie more between your friend and your country? The title of the play and the fact that Brutus killed Caesar makes it seem like Brutus is the villain. Because Brutus’ reason for killing Caesar was for the good of Rome, he is the protagonist. Brutus is the protagonist because he did it for the good of Rome. He is the only one that actually had a good enough reason to do what he did. Unlike Cassius and the rest of the conspirators who only did it out of pure hatred and envy. Cassius and the other conspirators hated Caesar and wanted to kill him. Brutus himself said, “Remember March, the ides of March remember./ Did not great Julius bleed for justice’ sake?/ What villain touched his body, that did not stab. And not for justice?” (4.3.18-21). In this quote Brutus realizes that Cassius and the conspirators did not kill Caesar for the good of Rome like he did. Brutus …show more content…

Two perfect qualities a protagonist should have. The people looked up to Brutus and thought highly of him. They trusted him and that is one of the reasons Cassius needed Brutus on his side because then the people would be more understanding and not as mad. He was such a good man that when he passed away his enemies only had good this to say about him. For example Antony said, “This was the noblest Roman of them all” (5.5.68). Antony had every right to hate Brutus, he killed his best friend. Yet Antony instead of bashing on him all he had to say was nice things. As well as Octavius, they both only said good things about him. That only proves to show what type of impact he had on those around him and what type of legacy he left for his name and how he will be

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