
Julius Caesar Research Paper

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The History of Ancient Rome

A long time ago, there was a piece of land that stuck out into the Mediterranean Sea. It had a river that was called the Tiber River. The Etruscans were the first people that gave the Romans their gods, the toga, and the alphabet. Rome started out as a republic, which meant that everyone got the right to vote and choose their leaders.

The two big chief officials were called consuls, which mainly consisted of rich people called patricians. As Rome grew the patricians and plebeians, or ordinary people, started to not get along and the republic fell. Luckily, Julius Caesar rose to the occasion and became the dictator but was later stabbed 23 times for gaining too much power too fast. Caesar’s adopted son, Augustus …show more content…

The Romans governed each area of the empire, or province, wisely to create peace. Sadly, in A.D. 14 their emperor died. Afterwards they went through an age called the five good emperors. Those five rulers were Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius. Aurelius chose his son Commodus to follow him. He ruled with great cruelty and ended the age of Pax Romana.

The Romans built new structures that helped their day to day life. Aqueducts were structures that helped with carrying water from the countryside to the city. The Colosseum was a huge theater that held shows and battles. The saying “All roads lead to Rome” was pretty true because most major ones did.

Daily life for Romans was very different and it was all based on how rich you were. If you were a patrician, you lived in large country estates called villas. The wealthy were known for the large feasts they threw. But, if you were poor you lived in rundown wooden houses that usually were the cause of many fires. You could go and watch the circus if you were rich or poor. Highlights of these shows were the battles between gladiators, or people who fought for the entertainment of

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