
Julius Caesar Rhetorical Analysis Essay

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Julius Caesar was scripted by William Shakespeare, a highly regarded English writer. In the play, Cassius is the manipulator and instigator of the play, he uses rhetoric to gain more people in his plan to murder Caesar. Cassius convinces 7 others to join his conspiracy. The conspirators are Cassius, Brutus, Cinna, Casca, Trebonius, Ligarius, Decius, and Metellus; these are the men who plan to kill Caesar. After Caesar is murdered, the conspirators must hide their crime so they have Antony give a speech at his funeral but he must only say good things and not name the conspirators. In Antony´s speech at Julius Caesar’s funeral, had a hidden, alternate motive. Antony uses rhetoric all throughout his speech, the rhetoric being used are pathos, ethos, and logos. He uses pathos when he is addressing the crowd about how Caesar has compassion for all the people in Rome. Antony also uses logos and ethos to undermine the conspirators. Antony is the speech giver and his target audience are those who admired, and adored Caesar. He is trying to get the Romans to be angry at the conspirators because of what they did to Julius Caesar. The goal of his speech is to get the schemers caught because of their crimes as well as avenge his friend, Caesar. The intended audience is agreeable with what Antony is telling them. Although the audience is …show more content…

“Good friends, sweet friends,let me not stir you up/ to such a sudden flood of mutiny./ They have done this deed are honorable./ What private griefs they have , alas, I know not,/ That made them do it. They are wise and honorable,” (III. ii. 206-210) the repetitiveness of Antony calling the conspirators honorable and that they had killed Julius Caesar for good reason, not for their own benefit. The onlookers were very upset and threatened to burn down Brutus’s home. After hearing the will they are completely set on avenging

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