Julius Petri And Howard Florey: The Invention Of Ideas

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Have you ever really thought about how the iPhone was invented? First the Motorola DynaTAC, then the Nokia phone, then flip phones, then to QWERTY phones, and then to the iPhone invented by Steve Jobs. Perhaps the invention of the iPhone was influenced by the quote from Helen Keller, a blind and deaf woman that traveled the world raising awareness for the blind and fighting to solve social issues (Nielsen 2007), who said, “College isn’t the place to go for ideas.” The quote literally means that when you go to college you learn to look at things in a different perspective but at the same time learning new information. These two things allow you to come up with different ideas; Helen Keller was saying that teachers give the information to students but you the individual has to use that knowledge to come up with ideas. I agree with Keller and today I want to talk about Julius Petri and Howard Florey; two scientists that both invented life changing products. …show more content…

After receiving his degree, he worked with many famous scientists like Robert Kosh, a famous scientist at the time. Robert Kosh used gelatin to grow bacteria; this helped him learn how microorganisms grow and multiply, but there was a problem; nothing stayed sterile. Julius soon came up with the idea that if you put the bacteria in a circular dish with a lid on top then everything inside would remain sterile. Later, Julius published the book “Methods of Modern Bacteria Research,” this paved the way for future scientists to experiment on bacteria (Shaer 2013). Now let’s move on to Howard Flory, the second famous